Jake cruise gay videos of hairy jewish men

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Jake Cruise is a horny daddy who years ago found the perfect way to get all the cock he could possibly handle - he started his own porn website. Quarterly: $74.99 (92 days, non-recurring).Quarterly: $49.99 (recurring every 90 days).Monthly: $24.99 (recurring every 30 days).Non-recurring month membership costs $10 more than recurring. Downloadable zip files are available, no slideshows offered. Pics are digital stills shown at around 960圆40, newer pics are good amateur quality, oldest pics are amateur quality. Picture infoĪpproximately 615 photo sets. Mobile compatible and streaming available. Vids are good amateur quality full scenes. Newer vids in 4 sizes from 640x360 to 1920x1080 at up to 5+ Mbps older offered in 3 sizes from 480x360 to 960x720. Videos offered for download and streamingĦ26 exclusive videos in MP4 format. The site updates infrequently, but there's enough videos to keep members very busy.

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There are 626 exclusive videos to download, stream, or watch on most mobiles. Porn daddy Jake Cruise has a taste for cock that he satisfies by servicing and fucking hunks, porn stars and first-timers - or sometimes he steps behind the camera and directs. Click here to visit Jake Cruise Introduction to

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